Garden maintenance in Streatham SW16, South West London

Front and back garden maintenance our team did for John at his home in Forest Hill SE23, South East London.

Team: two gardeners

Time: 2 hours

Materials: no

Gardening service in Streatham SW16 we did for Krysia at her home in South West London.

Krysia has small front and back gardens planted with beautiful flowers and evergreen bushes.

She was looking for local gardeners in Streatham to look after both of her gardens two-three times a year as she did not have the time to do it herself due to the lack of free time and skills.

Krysia found our gardening company online and set up an appointment to test our services and possibly book ongoing tidy-ups.

The garden maintenance service got completed in three stages:

Stage 1. Back Garden Tidy-Up

Our South West London gardeners started the garden clean-up session with the back garden. The main task was to trim all evergreen bushes to a ball shape.

Gardeners also swept all fallen leaves and de-weeded the pots. The large bushy hedge next to the door got trimmed and shaped, too.

Stage 2. Front Garden Bush Maintenance

The front garden is relatively tiny, so our Streatham gardeners reduced the volume of the bush there and shaped it.

Stage 3. Waste Collection and Disposal

All green clippings generated from the front and back garden were swept and packed. The customer requested our team to take away both 90-litre bags with green waste and recycle it.

Gardening service in Streatham SW16 Summary

Our gardening team completed Krysia's garden maintenance service within two hours. She was pleased with how both her gardens looked and booked us to tidy them once every six months.

She even recommended our services to her friends and family.

If you are struggling to keep up with your garden and need help, do not hesitate to contact us.

We cover all areas and surroundings in South East London and offer weekend appointments to ensure we can fit your busy schedule.

Ready to enjoy a neat and tidy garden?